
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Happy Anniversary, numero dos

Today, Kenyon and I have been married two years. They sure have gone fast! It has been a good two years. I am in Africa currently so we could not celebrate today, but he gave me the sweetest card, hidden with a thoughtful gift where he knew I would find it while packing. What a man! The beauty of having two weddings is you can pick when to celebrate. So, for our second wedding anniversary we will celebrate on the date of our second wedding (mostly because I will be in the country then). We did get a chance to do our top 10 list for the year and here it is:

10. Kenyon got an International drivers licence and Sheri got her second, second passport (I have two passports and one recently expired)

9. Kenyon being deployed for disaster response to Haiti

8. singing songs and playing games with the kids in Lesotho

7. our photo session on the beach in the outer banks of North Carolina

6. the Whincop's coming to visit and our river rafting trip with them

5. attending Reverend Billy's 90th birthday party at the most beautiful hotel Kenyon and I have ever stayed at, it was like a real life castle in West Virginia

4. Kenyon completed his EMT basic course and become a certified EMT (Emergency Medical Technician), he then completed the EMT intermediate and began clinical rotations, he completed disaster response training and became certified in International Trauma Life Support (ITLS) - my husband found a field of work that interests him!

3. speaking at the church in Kansas City and having our first visit with family and friends there since or move to North Carolina

2. eating dinner at Nelson Mandela square in Johannesburg, South Africa and Kenyon eating the largest plate of ribs we've ever seen

The number one memory from our second year of marriage is...wait for it!

1. the cruise we took to see my brother and Kenyon getting his haircut in Jamaica

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