
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

(spiritual) leadership

I am currently working my way through the Spiritual Leadership:Interactive Study. The book is written by Henry T. & Richard Blackaby. It has been a challenging read, not just because of the content, but also because of our current circumstances.

The basic premise of the book is that people are more than just physical beings - they have a soul, a spiritual component. I think that is why people want their work to be rewarding, fulfilling and part of something greater.

Which leads to the second premise, work is not just about producing results, but it is part of a divine purpose whether you are placed in ministry or the marketplace.

Thus, leaders don't just achieve goals, they point people toward God and Kingdom purposes. Talk about responsibility!

Since my early days of leadership I have wanted to be a leader worth following, not just someone who holds a position and wields power. To me that was about developing character and integrity. After reading this book, I am realizing how little leadership has to do with me. I am not placed in a position of leadership for my own purposes, but for Kingdom purposes. My ambition should not be to garner recognition and praise, but rather to build up those who are entrusted to me under my leadership. The most encouraging thing about all of this, is my only responsibility is to be obedient to God. That's it. If I am faithful in that, He will take care of the rest. Not that it is always easy, but at least the way is clear.

My salvation and my honor depend on God ; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. ~Psalm 62:7

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