
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Twelve days of Christmas: Day Ten

Kenyon's old stomping grounds
We traveled to Kansas City the week before Christmas. The trip would not be complete without visiting the people and places from my husband's past. We saw the house he grew up in. His foster mom still lives there. His cousin Wesley now lives next door with his family - wife and five kids!

We attended his uncle's church. In fact, we spoke at the church. Kenyon did a phenomenal job of speaking on the work we do around the world. In his neighborhood, not many people escape the confines of poverty, but he did. He is a black man that never went to prison, never fathered a baby out of wedlock, never dealt drugs, never did drugs. He has dedicated his life to doing what the Lord desires. God brought him through so much. He is a success story and I am so proud of him. He started his talk with, "I am from this neighborhood..." and he finished it with a challenge to pursue dreams because with God's help all things are possible. I pray it was inspiring to some of the young people in the audience who are making choices about their future. With God, all things are possible!

In the evening the church had a Christmas play that we attended. It was a great time. The children sang songs. His aunt Pam had directed a modern version of the Christmas Carol story.

It was such a pleasure to hang out with Kenyon's family and I am so grateful to them for raising the man who is my husband. They opened their home to him and his brothers when they didn't have to, they protected him in difficult circumstances and they challenged him to be the best he could be. They love him and are cheering him on as he joins me on the great adventure of life as my companion. It was so good to spend time with them, they made us feel so welcome.

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