
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Leadership Summit: Adam Hamilton

Going in to the Summit I had a pressing question on my mind - how do people do it, how do they keep going? How do they not just stumble and lose their way? I was wondering this because just weeks before, it was announced that another leader who had an impact had been participanting in an extramarital affair. He lost his job. She lost her job. This is not the first (nor I suspect the last) time I will receive this news.

A couple of years ago I was reading "Ascent of a Leader." In that book a surprising statistic was cited - 70% of leaders do NOT finish well. Somewhere along the way they get caught up in a sexual scandal, money scheme or some other public moral failure. Yikes! That really concerns me, especially as someone who wants to be faithful to the end. I mentioned this to K and he suggested I look at it a different way.

Oh yeah, what's that?

His response, "100% of people have a sin problem. So, 30% figured out a way to not give in to sin." I still wonder how to be one of the 30%, but I am just trying to take that day by day. I have a long road ahead of me...

Adam Hamilton gave an inspired message at the Summit. It was also one I needed to hear. His church had two well known pastors, with very public ministries, participating in an affair with each other. He had to deal with it and he decided to challenge the church to a life of integrity. You may be thinking they did this through a public shaming of the sinners, but that wasn't his message.

His message was that none of us are immune. As the church we should be caring for broken people, standing beside them...that is our calling.

I loved his message. I think too often we condemn (often publicly) and neglect to help the people involved rebuild their lives.

If you have messed up. If you know someone who has messed up. I pray you take Adam's advice and believe to the core of your being that no one is beyond redemption. God loves you more than you will ever understand and still has a wonderful plan for your life.


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