
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Leadership Summit: Jim Collins

A few years back I read a book titled "Good to Great" by Jim Collins. I also heard him speak in that same year. My take away's from the book were simple.

The enemy of great is good. Why? Because we settle for good enough, and thus never attain greatness.

The most effective leaders have an intense will to succeed. No major epiphanies there. But, the organizations that succed have leaders with an intense will and a strong sense of humility. That's right, I said humility. Why does that matter? Because it's not about their personal success, but rather they are committed to a cause or ideal outside of themselves. Others get committed to that too, and together they succeed.

So, author Jim Collins spoke this year at the Leadership Summit. His topic was related to his new book, "How the Mighty Fall." The message I received this year was a powerful and timely one.

NEVER GIVE IN...never, ever, ever. Be willing to embrace loss, endure pain, but NEVER give up or doubt ability to prevail. NEVER give up on core values. Persevere, that is the key to progress.

I needed to hear that. Maybe you did too?


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