
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Confession: I'm a groupie!

When I first moved to Kansas City I was fascinated by the interest in St.Patty's day. This town gets VERY excited every March. There are celebrations held all month. One of the largest holiday parades is the nation is held right here. My first year in KC I was curious what a St. Patty's parade is all about, I'd never been to one before. I was talking with a co-worker who later became a good friend, Elaine. She told me to keep my eye out for a marching band known as The Marching Cobras. I didn't understand, who gets excited about a marching band? Seriously!

What I saw amazed me and I instantly became a groupie. I called my mom immediately following the parade and told her to mark her calendar for St.Patty's day the following year, she had to see this! She came, she saw and she became a groupie too.

Last week, Kenyon and I attended a birthday party where the Marching Cobras were scheduled to perform. In fact, they were the reason I decided to attend the birthday party. I now introduce readers of this blog to the best marching band I've ever seen - The Marching Cobras.

This is only a small sample of this talented group. They are a band like no other! Are you a band groupie? Which band? Do share.

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