
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I am Pioneer Woman

Once upon a time, there was a young woman who fancied herself a "city girl." City girl's have a busy social life and a demanding career. City girl's eat for convenience. City girl's wonder why anyone would consider making yogurt, cheese or granola from scratch. When hosting dinner parties, City girl's order take-out and put it on nice serving dishes, but never dirty a pot or pan. Yup, once upon a time that was me. I don't know that girl anymore. That girl has transformed in to Pioneer Woman.

Pioneer Woman makes everything from scratch. Pioneer Woman dreams of owning a self-sustaining home in the country and growing her own vegetables. I am Pioneer Woman.

I wanted to share with you a few of the things I have been making lately.

Navajo Tacos
This is something I grew up eating at special events in my hometown. When I told my family that I made Navajo Tacos. They asked, "you made Indian bread? How did you do that?"

Indian bread is a key ingredient in Navajo Tacos. In New Mexico, it was always something we would buy from a local vendor. Making it wasn't as difficult as one might think. Though on the first attempt I didn't get the consistency right, but by the second attempt I had it down.

In addition to the Indian bread, I also made the salsa from scratch. I had never done this before living overseas, but what makes it particularly difficult is that it must be done without any small kitchen appliances - no food processor, no standing or hand blender. Just the power of my arm, a knife, and kitchen shears. Yes, I used scissors to refine the texture of the salsa.

Other items that I made recently:

  • Black bean burgers (not from a box and warmed up; but mashed, seasoned and made in to patties then baked)

  • apple-cinamon muffins (not from a box with liquid added; but from raw ingredients blended and baked)

  • maple syrup (when making your own maple syrup, one quickly learns how much sugar is in syrup - thankfully I can control the sugar content when making it from scratch)
I am Pioneer Woman. Hear me roar.

What have you been making in your kitchen lately?

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