
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Santa Fe originals

All over the world people know the name "Santa Fe." There is Santa Fe style furniture and clothing, in restauant menus I have seen Santa Fe chicken sandwiches. Most in America have heard of the Santa Fe trail. How many could locate Santa Fe on a map? Not many.

I consider myself priveleged to be from this unique place. I am happy my family still lives there so I can come back and visit. I've been to many places, but there really isn't any place like my hometown. I wanted to share with you some of the things that make it so special. I call these "Santa Fe originals."

Santa Fe has a rich history.  As America grew, pioneers moving west would follow the Santa Fe trail to this destination. Then they would either settle here or stop to resupply as they moved on to California. This is one of the remaining trading posts still in operation in downtown Santa Fe.

The architecture is one of the unique things about the area. Originally buildings were made from adobe brick, which is essentially elements that come from the earth. As the city continued to develop there was a decision made to keep with this type of architectural style. It is everywhere.
Yes, even our Target store is built in the same style of architecture. Everything is...Wal-mart, McD's...everything.
Sticking with the architectural theme, Santa Fe is the capital city of the state of New Mexico. This is our capitol building. Generally, capital buildings in the USA have a dome structure much like the capitol building in Washington DC, but not my home. Our capitol building is designed like a Native American Kiva, shaped in a large circle. No dome, but stucco like everything else.
The food is also unique in New Mexico. Chili, chili and more chili. We eat chili for breakfast, lunch and dinner...and when I am home, so do I. This photo is my favorite burrito - the chicken and potato, smothered in green chili from Tortilla Flats. Because of the climate in NM (high desert) these types of chili's only grow in this part of the country. I cannot get enough of them. Yum!
Another unique favorite is Senor Murphy's candy. They make candy with a local flavor...pinon (pine nuts) and chili powders can be found as a brittle flavor only here. Don't knock it until you try it.
The people in Santa Fe are as unique as the place. This is mariachi man. He walks around like this in public. He isn't the only one in costume in these parts. The people watching is like no other.

If you haven't already been there, I highly recommend you visit Santa Fe and gander at or taste all the things that make this place a one of a kind.

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