
Monday, June 21, 2010

Anniversary Number Three

Three years...and counting. Kenyon and I celebrated our three year wedding anniversary last week. It was a week day, which means I had to work. So, he brought flowers to my work and we had dinner that night at a Portuguese restaurant we had never been to, but came highly recommended.
I used to wonder how old married couples often seem to communicate without saying a word. I think I've learned their secret. In recent months I realized that Kenyon and I have spent enough time together and I know him well enough now that I can often accurate predict his response to things. I am familiar enough with his likes and dislikes that I don't always have to ask, I just know. His ways are familiar enough to me that with a quick glance I know what he is doing (or about to do). Don't tell him he's predictable, but there is something to knowing someone that well or being familiar enough with them that these things are just known.

We spent the weekend at a beach on the coast of Mozambique. As we drove out the six hours to our destination, we used some of the time to make our annual list of favorite memories. This has been a tough year with two cross-continent moves, continued unemployment, and other issues...pardon us, but we couldn't come up with 10 and instead have a list of nine favorite memories for the year. To see lists from previous years, visit here and here. These are listed in the order they came to us, not necessarily a preference ranking:

9. Moving to Mozambique

8. Visiting good friends in Dubai

7. Watching Avatar outdoors in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

6. Nelspruit with the Whitlock's

5. Visiting the Power and Light district in Kansas City

4. Being chased by an angry momma elephant at the Royal game park in Swaziland while on our self-guided tour with the Whitlock's.

3. Christmas gift exchange with the Cambodian staff

2. The taste of turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie at the annual partner dinner in Cambodia

1. Snorkeling in Sihanoukville, Cambodia

Obviously travel is the inspiration for many of our favorite memories. How about you? are your favorite memories from special occassions or everyday events?


  1. Wow! We got not one but TWO honorable mentions! :-)

    It's funny that you brought up this subject of "just knowing" your husband. One of the girls noted on Saturday night that you really know him after only having been married a short while, since you knew that he'd prefer the pizza over the egg salad sandwiches.

    Happy Belated Anniversary! (Which restaurant was it?)

  2. I told you, we heart hangin' with the Whitlocks. :)

    It was some T name on Julius Nyere. Neither of us can seem to remember the name.
