
Thursday, November 13, 2008


if you know me well you know I am reluctant to take any kind of medicine. I refuse even antibiotics when I am sick. Think what you like, but I think my stubbornness has helped me build a stronger immune system.

anyway, I recently posted about my sleep deprivation. I have been traveling the last couple of weeks in Ecuador and Bolivia with one of the doctors on my team. She introduced me to something worth sharing. It's a little product called midnite. it is a natural sleep aid. since there aren't chemicals in it, it doesn't drug you so you wake up, even if you only have a few hours of sleep (less than eight), without being groggy. it is fabulous. I asked Kenyon to pick some up from Walgreens. he did. a packet of midnite costs around $9. 

I've tried Ambien and it did a number on me. I felt drugged all day even with half a pill. midnite is fabulous. I recommend it. Let me know if you try it.


  1. Okay, I am going to try this. I don't sleep. I even decided at one point sleeping every night was stupid and started sleeping every other night. I will let you know if this helps.
    Silent J

  2. Okay I picked this up at Walmart ove the weekend and I must admit.....I worked. Rock On! or Sleep on! somthing like that.

    Silent J

  3. another satisfied customer!

    sleep every other night? Haven't tried that one. though I do think sleeping is a waste of valuable time and would like someone to invent a pill that eliminates my need for sleep. Think of how productive I could be then?!

    There's probably some life lesson in there about the importance of rest...I'm obviously still learning that one.
