
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

dog tail soup

When I was a little girl my brother and I would often ask my mom, "what's for dinner?" I'm quite sure as an adult that whatever her answer was we would have responded with, "but I don't want that" or "I don't like that," wah, wah, wah. Being a mom is hard work!

My mom is a comedian and she hates whining. So, she came up with an answer that we didn't really have a good response to. When we asked what's for dinner, she'd say, "dog tail soup." How do you respond to that one? She is quite clever. We would just shake our heads and walk away.

Fastforward 20 years and I am living in Cambodia. I was talking with my mom on the phone and she was asking about our apartment. I told her it's nice, but there is one drawback - it's next door to a dog restaurant.

M: a dog restaurant? like people bring their dogs to be served, or they serve dog to people?

S: they serve dog to people

laughter. lots of laughter on her end of the phone.

S: what's so funny?

M: dog tail soup

laughter. lots of laughter on both ends of the phone.

If there is anywhere one could actually order and consume dog tail soup - the restaurant next door to my apartment would be a good place to look.

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