
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Interesting International Facts: eating dog meat

did you know?

When eating dog meat it feels warm once inside the digestive system. I haven't experienced this myself, but I was told this recently by some of our staff from Indonesia currently working in Myanmar.

Yesterday, I posted about the dog restaurant next door. When my dad was visiting we went on a little walk in the neighborhood one night. He saw the dog heads in a bowl and the entrails in the glass cabinets. He saw the customers packed in - it is a very popular restaurant with the locals. We also saw something I hadn't seen yet. A man with a dog on a rope, selling it to the restaurant owner. Bob said, "poor animal, it doesn't know it's been led to slaughter."

The next morning he told me, "I didn't expect for that to bother me as much as it did."

It is unusual for an American to consider eating dog, but there are things we do that others would consider odd. I live next door and my approach is to walk by without looking. The grilled dog heads in a bowl are rather disturbing and it is a nightly occurance.

Maybe this is a good time to extend an invitation to visit us in Cambodia - anyone? anyone?

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