
Monday, November 23, 2009

Cambodian driving tip

If you've traveled to other places (or watched Amazing Race) you know that one of the first things people notice when traveling is traffic. What side of the road is used? Do there seem to be any noticeable rules to follow? How congested are the roads?

In Cambodia, there are lines painted to suggest traffic lanes, but the lines are ignored. Large SUV's mix in with cars. Tuk-tuk's, motos and bicycles fit in where they can. There are stop lights and people do seem to adhere to them, but as far as I can tell that is the only rule exported from my old life to my new life.

I've started driving. It takes some courage the first couple of times, but I came to a point where my desire for freedom outweighed my fear. I was given one driving tip that has proved very helpful - just worry about what's in front of you. There is chaos all around, it is impossible to keep tabs on it all - monitoring who's going which direction and trying to predict if they will cross a chosen path would just be exhausting. I make sure I don't hit anything in front of me, everyone else does the same, and it seems to work out fine.

It also helps that I am driving a big car and most things on the road are smaller than me - when I am moving, they usually just get out of my way. Which I am grateful for, because there is no way I could maneuver around them!

Have you driven overseas? What is your driving tip?

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