
Friday, November 20, 2009

normal life?

There are days I wake up and long for a normal life. You know what I'm talking about...the kind of life where you wake up in your own bed, in the home where you pay a monthly mortgage, go to the job that pays that mortgage, eat breakfast at the table where you ate dinner the night before, work an eight hour day, and do it all again tomorrow. I know many who live that life struggle with the redundancy of it. I know they long for adventure, excitement, and change. I just wanted to share with those of you who read this blog and dream about the possibilities - the grass isn't always greener.

I have been afforded the opportunity to live an adventurous life, an unconventional life. It may surprise you to learn there are days I would forgo it all for the comfort of having "normal." There are many days when I'd like to wake up in my own bed with a pillow top mattress and fluffy pillows, but instead I am in a bed owned by my landlord that offer very little comfort and there really aren't more comfortable alternatives available. Instead of being in a home where I pay the mortgage, I am in a rental, building no equity or financial stability and wondering if the American dream will ever be a possibility for me. I have a job that pays the bills, but my job is incredibly unpredictable and I can be called up at any time to serve anywhere in the world. I don't know anyone in this line of work that plans more than 1 year out and possibly don't know the future more than a few months out. My schedule is irratic, meal routines have completely vanished from my life and I am working hard to resurrect them since moving to our new location. Work an eight hour day. Ha! A light day in this line of work is 10 hours, but usually it consumes you 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

I think the lesson I am learning, again, is to be content whatever the circumstance. It is our human nature to wish for what we don't have, but in that dreaming we miss out on the blessings right in front of us. More and more I am trying to embrace the moments life offers - regardless of location. This is my one and only life and I want to embrace the blessings I am given every day. What blessings have you noticed in your day?

1 comment:

  1. You have traded in the American Dream and I think that is one of the most noble things one can do...
