
Monday, September 14, 2009


When we were staying in our hotel there were two basic breakfast options.

Option One: The Continental
Stewed tomato, omlette, some potatoes, beans, bread and fruit juice.

Option Two: Cambodian Breakfast
Either white rice with BBQ pork (different than what you eat I'm sure) OR a bowl of noodle soup.

Kenyon opted for something recognizable. I went for the soup. In his words, "that just isn't breakfast food. I can't eat that in the morning." How about you? Are you interested in pork or soup for breakfast?

1 comment:

  1. I'd probably opt for regular breakfast with Kenyon. Soup or BBQ do not appeal this morning.

    However, yesterday's breakfast consisted of baked beans and tabouleh - so I'm not exactly all-american in my morning cuisine choices.
