
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

shopping for moto helmets

One of the primary modes of transportation in our new locale is motorbikes. It is cheap and efficient! I've always wanted to own my own motorbike, now I get to ride them almost daily. The ladies here ride side saddle on the back. We will be buying ourselves a moto to get around once we move in to our place. Neither of us know how to drive one, but we will learn. In the meantime, I am happy to sit on the back of one with a stranger.

Here it is law that we wear a helmet (though not everyone does). So, Kenyon and I went moto helmet shopping a few days back. It was a lot of fun. Kenyon chose a very manly looking black and white helmet with a dark visor. I chose a bright blue helmet with a white racing stripe down the middle and a cartoon character on the side that says, "Juicy Girl." The cartoon character is a girl on a moto with her ponytail blowing in the wind. I figured, why not? Where else can I get away with wearing such things in public?

If you were choosing a moto helmet, what style would you select?

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