
Friday, September 11, 2009


Last weekend on my way to the village of Takao we made a stop at the "killing fields." These are aptly named as they are the site of mass graves and the location that nearly 2 million Cambodians died in a few short years. Here is a sample of photos from my visit.
This tower is full of skulls found in the killing fields...full! Top to bottom, packed full of skulls. They labeled them men, women, children.

this is one of the mass graves that has been excavated. there are many more in the area of the killing fields that have been left untouched.

they ask you not to walk on the mass graves, which is nearly impossible because they are everywhere!

how can the mass graves be identified? by the clothes and bones seeping up from the ground this is a picture of some buried clothing along the walking path.

In order to save bullets the children's heads would be beat against a tree until they died.

In February of this year the Khmer Rouge trials began in an attempt to hold those who participated in these crimes accountable. The trials are backed by the UN and unique, not only because they are holding individuals accountable for genocide, but also because they are being held in country. To read more visit here.

The Prime Minister is not in support of these trials, he thinks it just brings up bad memories and will respark civil war. In fact this week he announced that he opposes more Khmer Rouge arrests. You can read about it here.

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