
Wednesday, March 04, 2009

I miss India

In January, it was one year since I visited the children who captured my heart in Southern India. I have their pictures all around my desk and I look at them longingly. Fiona, Darlene, Mike and Bob just returned from a journey to India. Bob told me the children were asking about me, "where is Sheri?" Fiona told me that being there without me is difficult because I was so much a part of the work there.

I see many places in the world. Everywhere I go I find captivating people and love to explore new cultures...but there is just something about the work in India that calls to my soul. I miss being enveloped by the joy and laughter of the children. I miss playing and dancing with them. I miss the welcome in the villages and sitting with Premdas at dinner discussing world issues or nothing at all.

I need to make a journey back there. My soul needs a refresher. It has been too long and it is time to schedule a journey to my favorite place on earth. I may not be able to fit it in before Christmas, but I need to visit again this year.

Is there a place that refreshes your soul? When was the last time you visited?

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