
Thursday, March 05, 2009

Interesting International Facts: status symbol

Did you know?

Men in Cambodia often grow one long fingernail, usually their thumb or pinky nail. I learned on this recent trip the reason for this. When you see a man with a long finger nail in Cambodia, he is making a statement. He is announcing to the world that he has a white collar job. If he worked in the field with his hands he wouldn't be able to grow a long finger nail. So it a public display of his position (often associated with wealth or education). This happens in other parts of Asia too, now you'll know the reason for it.
Did you know?

In Myanmar the cars use their headlights sparingly, even at night. I was told the reason for this is they believe that turning on the lights uses gas so they are saving fuel...though they do run their AC if they have it. I learned this while almost driving head-on in to a truck at night that did not have their headlights on.

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