
Saturday, August 02, 2008

Discovering Destiny

I am nearing the end of the book Ascent of a Leader. Though many of the concepts I am familiar with, it was a good reminder of how to be a leader worth following; the importance of choosing character and conviction over opportunity, and how important it is to align our beliefs with our actions. That is the kind of leader I want to follow, and that is the kind of leader I want to be.

The fifth and final rung of the character ladder is "discovering your destiny." I don´t much like the word destiny. I always felt like it was passive, sitting and waiting for greatness to fall out of the sky in to your lap. This book describes it as preparing for God´s best in our lives.

The authors say:
Without a doubt, discovering destiny occurs at just the right time. It can´t be forced, and we can´t rush it. We typically cannot even imagine it. God takes the initiative to lift us up when he chooses...God places people he can trust into the right places at the right time. He tests and refines them on the character ladder so that when the right opportunities arise, they are ready for the challenge.

Over a year ago I wrote a post on dreams at the time of the post I felt a stirring in my soul to prepare to go to the next level. I didn´t know what that meant and I certainly wouldn´t have predicted this outcome, but I can tell you without a doubt that letting go of my plans for my life and letting God direct it has been the best decision I ever made. He has taken me to places beyond my dreams. It is a path I plan to pursue all the days of my life. And, just so you know, I don´t expect to ever attain it. It is a life-long journey that will continue to lead me to unexpected places, doing interesting things. Where will it lead next? I don´t know, but I trust God to show me when it is the right time and the right opportunity.

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