
Monday, August 04, 2008

Interesting International Facts

Recently I wrote a post on the Republic of Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe has fallen on difficult times with hyperinflation, low food supply, and troubles in leadership and a democratic change over of the presidency. These are only a few of the struggles in Zimbabwe right now.

On an airplane ride from South Africa to the States I sat next to a bright and lively young girl named Perseverance. She is from Zim and was on her first flight to America to participate in a Congressional Young Leaders conference for two weeks. Based on our conversations, she has all the makings of being a future leader for Africa. She told me something interesting. Due to Zim's unstable financial market the value of their currency doesn't change daily but nearly hourly. I'd already heard that, it isn't the interesting part - the interesting part is that there are people who purchase foreign currency and cash it in (exchange it) when the value is high compared to their local currency. She said that these people are among the most wealthy in the country of Zimbabwe right now. They spend their days watching the fluctuation and cash in when it's in their favor. Kind of like playing the stock market. Fascinating!

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