
Saturday, May 20, 2006

Graduation Time

It's that time of year again - all graduation, all the time. Since I work in an academic environment, graduation seems to mark the pulse of time for me. It symbolizes completion. I generally spend the summer setting professional goals for the coming academic year, only to start the process all over again. This year it is bitter-sweet because graduation is also marking the end of my career as an advisor.

Thursday night was the realization of a dream for me. When I took this job two years ago one of my goals was to improve the International Studies MA program. One of the improvements I wanted to make was to recognize the accomplishments of its students. With the help of a group of student leaders the dream became reality. Approximately 50 people attended the inagural recognition ceremony. With no funding we pulled off a full-course meal, appetizers and desserts included, made possible by generous donations from corporate sponsors, students and the community. Amazing! By all accounts the night was a success.

I had viewed the event as my official adieu to the job (even though I have two months remaining). The students surprised me. They interrupted the program to recognize me at the event, they said it was hard to do since I was so involved with the planning. They gave me flowers, kind words, as well as a scrapbook of pictures and thank you cards. It made me cry. I will cherish the scrapbook for years to come. I am so proud of their accomplishments. I can't think of a better send off to the next chapter of my life. One student also told me she nominated me for the KU Women of Distinction award. Like the Oscars...its just an honor to be nominated.

I'm going to miss seeing these students weekly, but I'm certain I will keep in touch with many of them in the future.

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