
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Can they tell?

I have one major allergy in life - CATS!

We are well aware of the usual temperament of cats. We have sayings like - "Dogs have owners. Cats have staff."

Many of my friends have cats...and for some reason unknown to me I am the person the cat will come to. The shy cats, the finicky cats, the prima-donna cats - all will crawl right in my lap. It's as if they can tell...

I hear the cat owner often say, "he/she NEVER does this with anyone else" or "he/she is usually not like this."


If you have been following this blog for a while, you know there is a dream in my heart that goes unfulfilled. For all the experiences I have been afforded in life - there is one I long for, but cannot control. I want to be a mom. I wrote about this desire last year.

Another chlidless year has come...and gone. I am another year older and feel further away from realizing this desire. I am not writing this for sympathy (or pity).

I am writing because I have noticed a strange phenomenon. At grocery stores, restaurants, parks, malls and other public places. Young children often just come to me or start talking to me. Their moms usually apologize and say, "he/she doesn't usually do this" as they pull the child away.

It happens so often I am beginning to wonder - can they tell?

just Sheri, paranoid

1 comment:

  1. I suspect it is because they sense what an awesome mother you would make. We will be praying for you.
