
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Getting Personal

On this blog, I have shared bits about my life - usually public events or some personal reflections related to literature or things I see through my work. This post is going to be more personal than normal. I have decided to make something public that I have kept private for many years. There is a select group that already know what I am about to say, for some, this may be surprising. I have hinted at it from time to time on this blog. What is it? I want a child. I want it more than I want anything else in this world. I want desperately to be a mother.

When I was younger and my professional ambitions were more pronounced, people often assumed I was more interested in a career than a family. I let them assume this because I didn't want to talk about my painful longings that went unmet. I haven't bothered to correct these is just easier that way, because I can't talk about it without tears. Truth be told, I would exchange income, title, and position in the professional world for the chance to be "mom." From time to time other professional women have told me similar stories of painful longings and the judgements that come when a woman is advancing in years, but hasn't had children yet. Be careful not to assume, sometimes circumstances are not by choice!

The remainder of this week I am going to address this issue from personal experience...

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