
Monday, July 25, 2011

Gone Fishin'

Recently, Phim and I headed to a gun store that sold live bait. We bought our fishing license, some worms, listened to advice from the men at the shop who weren't used to seeing our type in their location...

We rented a small, motorized boat and headed out to catch some fish.

I really wanted to be on one of the kayak's...but that will have to happen another day. 

The scenery was so beautiful and serene, until we came across these painted rocks. The local high school row teams had left their mark. What is it about young people and destructive behavior? There are other, more productive, ways to leave your mark on the world - but that is just my personal opinion. 

We did get to see one fun bit of nature - a turtle, enjoying the water just like us. 

Though we caught no fish, we did have a good time on a leisurely Saturday. I had told Phim that her dad, Lope, would have come home with a catch. He later asked if we had a successful adventure. 

She said it was likely too late in the day and we'd need to go earlier next time. 

His response, "you just need to know where the holes are." 

Apparently, we lack that least I do.

just Sheri, a non-fisherman with a license

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