
Monday, September 06, 2010

an unwelcome new experience

Last week, while there were happy posts about birthday parties and shopping for African batiks we were living a difficult experience. What happened? Riots broke out in our city due to the rapidly rising cost of living, especially in Maputo.

It started with an announcement on Tuesday that the cost of food, water and power would be going up. In the few months we've lived here costs have been increasing consistently. Folks weren't happy. I understand their frustrations.

To some extent, I feel their pain. Maputo is the most expensive place I have ever lived. The rising costs have been difficult for us to absorb. Mozambique has a high percentage of unemployment. Even for those with jobs, the wages are often low. The decision makers seem unsympathetic. Our personal struggle with the cost of living has only increased my compassion for those with less resources.

By Tuesday evening friends started to send each other text messages, intiving one another to participate in demonstrations around town. Wednesday went from normal to chaotic very quickly as the demonstrations turned violent. The reports vary on the number dead, but everyone agrees that hundreds were injured. We heard gunfire regularly for two days. Rioting was an unwelcome new experience for me, it is one I would prefer to never experience again.

The weekend has been peaceful and even more quiet than usual. I am incredibly thankful that everyone we know is safe and unharmed. I pray the peace remains. There are rumors of more demonstrations in the coming days. I hope not. I pray for Mozambique. I pray the decision makers can come to a solution in the best interest of the people. Please join me in these prayers.


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