
Friday, September 03, 2010

making an interns day...

This is Olivia. She is interning with us for five months
and her birthday happened to fall in the time that she is away from family and friends.
It is on those special occassions that the distance seems the greatest.

So, we hosted a party in her honor at our apartment. (notice the bare walls I mentioned yesterday, lots of chairs, but bare walls)

 We served pizza (I mentioned earlier this week that pizza is available to us). We had three types: vegetarian, meat lovers and pepperoni.

 In lieu of cake (as this was a working day and none of us had time to bake one from scratch), we had birthday biscuits (known to American's as cookies) courtesy of a Dutch visitor.

 Does it really matter what the treat is as long as it is sweet, there are candles to blow out, and every one sings happy birthday? I don't think so. We did all of this with with enthusiasm. Kenyon even whooped and hollered at the end.

We wrapped up the night with a game of speed charades. Have you ever played? I just learned and LOVE it. This is Judith. She decided later that it was easier to stand than sit and charade.

Alexis already knew this trick. She's played before. Notice my one wall hanging in the background. I just had to point that out for the faithful readers.

At the beginning of the evening we asked Olivia what her most memorable birthday had been. She said a surprise party. I hope the next time she is asked that question she talks about the birthday she celebrated in Mozambique. Thanks to all of our new friends who helped to make this a wonderful celebration in honor of Olivia, you are welcome back any time if you just want to hang out.


1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to Olivia! How sweet of y'all to have a party for her. I pray you're all well. Miss you!
