
Monday, August 16, 2010

can you say burnout? I almost lived it

It's been a rough year. I had two tearful good-byes from teams that I love and work that inspired me. We moved continents twice in the span of one year. Professionally, I was struggling to connect with the work in Mozambique. I felt like a young teenager who was scared to get their heart broken again. Because of this, I was just doing a job. I'd show up to work, check things off my to do list, go home. I hardly felt connected to what was going on in the field. I wasn't investing heavily in relationships with people. I was numb in some places and hard in others. There were many times I thought it would just be easier to throw in the towel. I left for home leave weary and had only one goal; find my passion again - if I could not, then I should get out as I wasn't doing anyone any favors in the state I was in.

Today, I am in a much better place. It is amazing what a little rest will do, it does the body (and the spirit) good! I also did some specific things to help renew my soul.

While in New Mexico I visited the Sangre de Cristo mountains. I love nature, mountains in particular. I hiked for hours, then watched a beginning painting class as I sat soaking in the sunshine. 

I purposefully and accidentally met with people who have impacted me in positive ways over the years, those who serve faithfully decade after decade.

We visited with many good friends. This is just a sample from Kansas City.

I also attended the annual Global Leadership Summit - the one conference I make sure to attend every year. Why? It inspires me. It envigorates me. It reminds me what a privelege it is to do what I do for a living, despite the difficulties. The conference this year did not disappoint...but more on that later.

I had lost my passion somewhere along the way. I didn't like operating without it. Somewhere in the past few weeks I found it again. There is wisdom in my employers strategy of allowing us home leave. Going home allows us to be refreshed so we can return anew, ready to face the daily challenges of this work and life.

I have already started back at work. Today is the start of my first full week. Here we go...


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