
Thursday, June 17, 2010

the adoption option

On our first date Kenyon said, "I plan to adopt. It's very important to me." Not exaclty appropriate first date conversation, but that's one of the things I love about my husband - no pretense...never, ever.

Adoption has been an option I've considered for a long time. I think I was 15 years old when I told my mom I wanted to adopt. I believe she told me that I might want to wait on that decision until I was older. In my work I see so many children who need a home. So many children who have been abandoned. On my first trip to India in 2004 there was a little girl who captured my heart, her name is Chandini. She was living at an orphanage. I was single, but always thought that someday, perhaps, I could bring her home with me. When I knew Kenyon and I were serious, I told him about Chandini. I introduced her to him when we went to India. He fell in love with her, too.

We wanted to adopt Chandini. It didn't work out. It broke our heart. We still have photos of Chandini on our fridge. I pray for her almost every day. We still love her.

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