
Thursday, April 15, 2010

April 15: tax day

Some of you may be wondering if or how we pay our taxes while living overseas. Well, we are definitely responsible to pay them, but the logistics of how is a bit tricky. There are two things I learned this tax season...

First, I don't know how people did this before the advent of the internet. We had documents emailed to us. We scanned and emailed documents to others. We were able to answer questions for our tax preparer within hours due to email (rather than spend large sums faxing internationally or waiting weeks for it to be mailed). We could even make international phone calls when needed using Skype. All for the cost of the internet we were already paying for.

Second, I don't know how people do this (living overseas and keep the details of their lives in their home country intact) without the support of others. My Aunt Carmen and Uncle Luther collected our documents, helped us find a CPA, and so much more. I don't like to do my own taxes, but it takes an angel to assist with the taxes of another without payment. During our relocation from one continent to the other I was out of contact for a few days, my Aunt and Uncle provided much needed assistance in our absence so everything was taken care of on time.

I have decided it is impossible to live this overseas life without loving and practical support from family and friends. I am so grateful to them for the help in things I am aware of and things I am not.

So, on this tax day I want to honor those who give so much to us in big and small ways, and in doing so allow us the opportunity to live a dream.

Could you live without the support of others? I doubt it. I know I can't.


  1. Let me know if you ever need help on the tax issue. Being a CPA; a person who loves to travel abroad; and knowledgale on expatriate issues, I may be able to help.


  2. Gary, thanks for the offer. We will definitely have some questions next year as we will have been out of the country for the majority of the year and I hear that means new tax laws will apply to us that I do not fully understand. The life of an expat (expatriate).
