
Friday, April 16, 2010

Interesting International Facts: variable pricing

Did you know?

That when traveling (or living) internationally there are usually two prices for goods or services. There is the local price and the foreigner price. The local price is usually considerably cheaper than the forienger rate. When I was traveling in Italy, I decided the price paid was directly related to ones ability to tell them in Italian that they are ripping you off. If you could say that, you got a discount.

We are looking at apartments in Mozambique. We saw one earlier this week that was fine. Then they told us the cost per month - $1,200. Yikes! One of the national staff live there. I asked her what she pays to live in the same building (same apartment layout). Her answer was 2,000MTS, which is the equivalent to $58. Wow, what a difference! I am glad to hear the locals don't have to pay the inflated prices they ask us for - there is no way they could live as this is the developing world. But, I am sad for us. Kenyon keeps saying, "these are like New York City prices!" And they are.

We are hoping to find a home soon. In the meantime, we are living in the office guest room.

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