
Monday, February 22, 2010

splendid gray hair

In the culture I come from, gray hair is something to be ashamed of. We cover it up. We have advertisements with little jingles that say, "I am going to wash that gray right out of my hair."

Gray hair is not splendid, rather it is a tragedy.

In my culture, we long for the fountain of youth and would love if we can look 25 years old perpetually. That's why plastic surgeons make such a good living, because their work is valued in our culture. We will pay any price to fight aging.

The Bible says, "The glory of young men is their strength, gray hair the splendor of the old." (Proverbs 20:29)

I am a product of my culture. I can tell you that the day I found my first gray hair, I would not describe it as splendor. Now I have many more grays, to the point I am starting to debate the need for coloring my hair on a regular basis.

Cambodians are different. Those with gray hair are revered. The older are treated with honor. Because of this, gray hair isn't dreaded but welcomed. One of my colleagues (a female American) has decided she is going to stop covering her grays. Instead, she is going to follow the Cambodian way and embrace them.

I am still debating my choice.

Should I cover the gray hairs that have begun to appear on my head? I don't know that I have the energy for that, nor could I be bothered to maintain it. I am a low maintenance girl - the only make-up I wear is mascara and I don't blow dry my hair. I am not sure I am willing to add regular visits to the beauty shop as part of my routine, as it would have to be frequent because my hair grows quickly.

Should I embrace gray hair and consider it splendor? I am quite certain my psyche isn't ready for all that. I've had years of acculturation that tells me otherwise.

What are your thoughts?

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