
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Game night at the Warren's

A few weeks ago we hosted game night at our place. We ordered pizza from the pizza place up the street. It is owned by a khmae lady who lived in the States many years. She knows Kenyon and I by name, she knows about our schedules, she recognizes our voices on the phone - obviously we like her restaurant! So, we ordered pizza for game night and I made rice krispy treats for dessert.

We played Balderdash and I learned quite a bit about those sitting around the table. They can come up with some of the craziest things! We laughed and laughed and laughed some more. This is a mix of some of the people I work with and some of the people I've just met around town.

Since I've failed to post photos of our apartment so far, this is also our dining table with the kitchen behind.

Wayne, who recently moved here from the States and is in the front of this picture, prayed over dinner for us. In his prayer he said, "thank you God for the opportunity to be in a room with people who speak English." I can tell you it is still exhausting to get through my daily routines - trying to find my way around town, trying to remember the language, and struggling in the heat. At the end of the day I often just want to fall in to bed exhausted, but usually I still need to make dinner and spend a couple of hours on email for work since I had spent most of the work day in meetings. I understood his gratitude, to just be in a room with people who come from a similar culture and speak the same language.

1 comment:

  1. Fun to see "our" apt. is still being used to enjoy friends and for good laughs. Keep up the good work...
