
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pchum Ben

In the area where I grew up there is an anual celebration called La Muerte un Dia, translated Day of the Dead. The purpose behind it is to celebrate, honor, and recognize our ancestors. The practice goes back thousands of years to the time of the Aztec civilization.

Turns out Cambodia has a similar custom called Pchum Ben. This weekend is Pchum Ben holiday. Most of our local staff go home to be with family and to honor their ancestors. It is part of their Budhist beliefs. I am told everything in the city closes down. I took some fabric I had to Russian market to be made in to skirts and was told even the massive market will be closed for Pchum Ben. Kenyon and I are taking this opportunity to visit the coast. We have reservations to catch a ride on an airconditioned bus with a toilet (we paid extra for these ammenities). It will be a four hour drive to the coast where we have reservations at a local guest house. I'm really looking forward to a four day weekend and time outside of the city.

I will post again when we return.

1 comment:

  1. It was great to see you in Sihanoukville! That Orchidee breakfast will keep me going back there. I hope you're finding ways to create a homey space for you and your husband.
