
Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Kenyon and I had a great vacation. This was the first time in years that I was on holiday and didn't think about work once. It helps that I am starting a new job and my responsibilities are still quite limited.

We went to an area near the coast known as Sihanoukville. It is quieter there than in the city - dogs barking and traffic noise are replaced by the calming sounds of water. We spent one day snorkeling, another day just lounging on Otres Beach. What a vacation!

When I returned to work on Monday one of my colleagues who I have worked with for over a year said to me, "Sheri, you look so rested. I don't think I've ever seen you so rested." I haven't felt so rested in a very long time.

Now that I am back, you should be hearing from me more often. However, my internet access is still limited so it may not be consistently.

What is the most relaxing vacation you have ever taken?

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