
Thursday, November 27, 2008

What are you thankful for?

Each year around the Thanksgiving holiday I ask myself this question: what are you thankful for? I've found that over time (maybe it comes with maturity) that I am living my life with more gratitude than discontent. That is a trend worth continuing, but there are still somethings I am thankful for at thanksgiving.

I am thankful that I have a good and steady job in a bad economy.
I am thankful that I get to live my calling and not wonder about my purpose on earth.
I am thankful for a companion to share the adventures of life.
I am thankful for good neighbors and the nice rental we were able to find.
I am thankful for my good health and I need to not take that for granted.
I am thankful for good friends to share the holiday.
I am thankful for my comfortable life and the freedoms I enjoy granted to me simply by where I was born, which I had no influence in choosing.

Thank you, God, for the gifts you have given me. I am grateful.

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