
Friday, November 28, 2008

Can a woman have it all?

I don't think it is possible for anyone to pursue a family life and career at the same level simultaneously. These things require balance and at times one takes precedence over another.

For women it is a bit harder because our bodies are the incubators for the children and that poses serious career challenges.

I am struggling with this balance. I want a family. I love my work. I don't know how to do both successfully. If I were to get pregnant I would not be able to travel like I do, especially to the developing world where I am exposed to freaky diseases. I can't do my job without travel. Since a man doesn't have to birth a baby, he can have a family and still pursue a career like this. As a woman, I don't know how to do both.

I'm taking suggestions, how can a woman do both successfully?

1 comment:

  1. Some of us find incubating a baby to be full time job that also the assistance of several other capable adults. For us the choice can only be a year-long sabbatical and a caring community that is willing to step in from time to time for the 9 month adventure. It is indeed a strange state of affairs for the otherwise highly independent and self-sufficient woman.
