
Friday, October 24, 2008

High Country Apple Fest

I may be an unmotivated voter, but regardless of what I do there will be a winner and looser come November. I predict Obama will triumph. I think he has the momentum, charisma and popularity to win. Though it has always annoyed me, the presidential race is a popularity contest. Few Americans actually know what the candidates stand for, they vote for the best known name or the person they like the best. I think Obama has that X-factor going for him.

Last weekend my friend Alexa and I were walking around one of the seasons annual events - the local apple fest. It wasn't very big, but there was one sight worth sharing. In the old town area there was a storyteller. A red neck in overalls telling stories of the old country. Notice the man in the blue t-shirt and camouflage hat...this picture has not been altered in anyway. It is true, Obama has even penetrated this crowd. If he has convinced some high country hill billies to vote for him; he has a very, very good chance of being elected president.

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