
Thursday, October 23, 2008

first impressions

What do people first see when they look at you? Appearance is the obvious choice, but what does your appearance say about you?

I have discovered over the years that when people first see me, they do not right away assume I am American. In college a huge number of my friends were from other parts of the world (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, etc) because they saw me, approached me and asked if I was from their country. Yasmine had wondered where I was from when we first met, she figured it had to be the Mediterranean (near her homeland) because of my appearance.

I have found this is also true on foreign soil. I am constantly asked where I am from, America is not assumed (in spite of how I dress). When I was in Dubai, everyone would just speak Arabic to me expecting me to understand - including the customs officials, which was interesting because they were looking at my USA passport. I guess they assumed I immigrated, or my parents had.

Even when I say, "I am from the United States of America."

They generally reply, "Where are you from originally?"

There are lots of assumed locales - Mexico, Venezuela, Persia, Greece (yes, Greece) or Turkey, Portugal, the UK, Jordan, Lebanon and others. The number one guess is India, my adopted homeland. When I'm in India they think I'm Indian; when I'm in China they think I'm Indian; when I'm in Africa they think I'm Indian...on and on that is the number one guess. Here's a photo from India, you can judge for yourself.

Recently, I was sitting in the Regan building food court in Washington DC and an old gentleman, from India, came and started talking with me. He was shocked to discover I was not Indian. He wanted to talk about his homeland and his practice of medicine. How he immigrated to America and where he's lived since. The opportunities America has afforded him. Generally, Indian's are not that open with outsiders, but I think my appearance (non-American look) dropped his guard. He told me I look like one of the Bollywood actresses. I actually hear that a lot too. I love Bollywood movies so I take it as a compliment, the women are beautiful. In fact, my nickname from Premdas' daughter Neelima is "Bollywood." When we right emails or talk, she calls me "Bollywood" and I call her "Hollywood." She is always dressed so snazzy, with rhinestone glasses, fancy shoes and beautiful Punjab's. I digress...

This first impression, the non-American assumption, is not something I strive to obtain. I believe I am blessed to be born in the United States of America, especially as a women. Because of that simple fact, that I had no part in selecting, I have been afforded opportunity that is unprecedented anywhere else in the world (even the UK because of their aristocratic values). At work they have been telling me this assumption is a gift, because it intrigues people, the don't automatically assume I am to be classified as "other," it is possible in many parts of the world that I could be "same."

Do you know what first impression you leave? Is it intentional?

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