
Friday, October 10, 2008

Bob Pierce

Bob is the founder of the organization I work for as well as the founder of World Vision. It's amazing to me that one man, who committed his life to God's call, could accomplish so much. He is well known for his successes as well as his flaws, but he had an amazing vision and left quite a legacy. I have just finished reading a book about his life titled, This one thing I do. In the book he says:

God uses people who want to be used. He won't force you away from what you're doing, to the task He would like to have you do. If ever you are used in His service, it will be because one day you came and humbly presented your body a living sacrifice, willing to give your life for Him where He would have you go.

I believe this to be true. It has been true in my own life. When I said, "I'm ready," He opened the doors for me to go. It hasn't been easy and I don't expect that to change, but I wouldn't want to be doing anything else. Bob Pierce has something to say about that too...

One of the things that's wrong in America is that we hardly make our children feel that anything is worth suffering for; and the result is that they're bored with life. Perhaps one of the greatest gifts we can give our children is an excitement about what they can be involved in -- something that will make a difference in their world. We need to imbune them with the fact that there are some things that are worth suffering and sacrificing for --that spritual values are the greatest investment.

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