
Friday, August 08, 2008

The Great Adventure

When I was graduating from high school my AP English teacher asked us to write our life story. The title of my story was "The Great Adventure." I had been on one mission trip with Teen Mania to Costa Rica and I had experienced a few leadership opportunities in my youth group and at school. The story I wrote was about my walk with God and my personal relationship with Jesus Christ, I referred to it as the experience that changed my life forever.

I don't think I fully realized the impact of those words, because I could not have possibly predicted the future. The rest of the story is about the adventures God had brought me on through my high school years and anticipation of where he might lead me next. I ended the paper with the lines of a Stephen Curtis Chapman song:

The journey of life begins for another day with God's grace streching out as far as the eye can see and beyond...far beyond. Only the Author of life know completely what lies ahead...the moutaintops of joy to be experienced as well as the valleys of sorrow to be endured. To Him there are no surprises but He takes pleasure in filling our lives with them, and all the while His consuming love for those He created keeps Him never more than a heartbeat away. This is the miracle of grace in motions given freely to those who will receive it by faith...this is a life like no other...this is the great adventure!

I could not have predicted the adventures I have experienced with God. I didn't even know a life like this existed.

At the Leadership Summit Gary Haugen of the International Justice Mission spoke. He talked about how God calls us on an adventure to work that is often hopeless, scary and hard. Why? Because it is only with Him that the work can be accomplished. I know this to be true, because I've experienced it in my life. I'm experiencing it now.

I am so grateful for the great adventure God has brought me on and I plan to continue this path all the days of my life. Where to next? I don't know. A few years ago I stopped trying to predict. I'm just enjoying the ride.

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