
Monday, June 23, 2008

Dear US Airways,

I was supposed to be in Washington DC today for a meeting. I had my husband drive the two hours to Charlotte so I could catch my flight. I arrived at the airport and was told the flight was delayed. This is not an unusual occurrence in travel these days. So, I moved on to security.

Once through security I looked at the monitors to see the delay had increased 30 minutes in the few minutes it took me to clear security. I decided to pick up dinner in the food court and head to my gate. I checked the monitors again on my way to the gate - all information was gone. In the time it took me to travel from ticket counter to gate, my flight had been cancelled.

The agent at the gate couldn't help me and sent me to customer service near the gate. The agent at customer service couldn't help and sent me back to the initial ticketing counter, on the other side of security. The ticketing agent couldn't help either and sent a group of us to a counter that was without staff. Eventually, staff arrived. Though there were multiple flights going to the area - Dulles, Baltimore, Richmond - none were available to me. The soonest they could get me out was 8am the following day. I would miss half the meeting by the time I arrived. I called my husband who was almost home, he turned around to pick me up.

Dear US Airways, why did flights leave to Dulles, Regan, Baltimore and Richmond the same night but you cancelled my flight "due to weather?" It wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that you don't have to compensate passengers for the inconvenience of a missed flight if you can conveniently blame the cancellation on weather. Would it? I missed a meeting I was schedule to be at, not because of lack of planning on my part or for lack of effort, but more because of the indifference of the customer service agents and the limited number of flights to my destination. And, what about my poor husband - giving up 6 hours to drive me to the airport for a flight that was eventually cancelled and then having to turn around and pick me up again? If I had an option, I would choose to never fly with you again. Unfortunately, I am increasingly aware of my limited options in flights and airlines and know that will ultimately be an empty promise. So, instead I am going to do what others have done before me and complain on my blog, connected to the world wide web, and let the world know what a disappointment your customer service has been to me and my family.

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