
Monday, June 23, 2008

unconventional methods of recruiting to ministry

When I travel I often send out emails to those who have told me they are interested in the work. When I was working exclusively with India the list had grown to around 250 individuals. When I took the job in North Carolina I reduced the list to around 50. Through referrals, the distribution list is back up to around 250 people. I have never met many of the people on the distribution list...they are just familiar names or email addresses.

Well, I received a referral in a round about way for a couple who would like to be included on the list. We continued to correspond by email. They asked me questions about the work, how I got in to it. They conveyed their desire to pursue this type of work as a couple. They have skills that will be useful to the work so I encouraged them and pointed them to a few resources.

This weekend I received an exciting email...

Just wanted to let you know that [we] will be Interning with SP in Cambodia from July to December. I also wanted to thank you for your wise counsel and for keeping us in the loop regarding your work -- this helped us get our minds around the best approach to this line of work and how best to gain the experience we need. We hope to meet you sometime soon.

I share this, not to toot my own horn...but rather to celebrate how God uses unconventional tools, like email, to bring his people together to spur one another on. I pray God uses this blog. I don't track the number of people who read it, but I do get quite a few emails that reference it. Things posted that cause others to think. I don't think God is outdated, but more often it is the church stuck in a rut or putting God in a box.

P.S. I will be meeting this couple next month at orientation. Awesome! I'll also probably visit them in Cambodia in the fall. How fun! I can't wait to see where God takes them. This is just the first step in the journey to a lifetime of adventure.

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