
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Interesting International Facts

When I travel and sometimes during the course of my day at work I learn things...interesting things. Generally these things are about places I visit or have visited. I'm going to start sharing them with you.

Did you know?

In Cambodia it is considered a generous gift for a husband to buy his wife a bra. Another considerate gift from a husband is a bowl of fruit. Men, now you can wooo the ladies in Cambodia.

Did you know?

In El Salvador every couple applying for a marriage license must also sign a prenuptual agreement - they come in three varieties: one for you and one for me, what's mine stays mine and we split the rest, and mine all mine. (the names are my interpretation of the agreements).

These are just some interesting International facts I learned today at work. Too bad they don't ask questions like this in Trivial Pursuit!

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