
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

You know you live in a small town when...

The Vegas airport has more amenities than the town you live in.

I travel a lot, there are monstrous airports like the one in Bangkok, Thailand. Under some definitions it could be it's own city, the place is massive. There are teeny-tiny airports like the one in Greensboro, NC. They still allow cars to park out front in Greensboro - I love that, it's so convenient! The Vegas airport isn't anything special, just an airport with a few slot machines. But a few months ago I was walking from one gate to another with one of my staff while we were in transit. I'm walking by a Starbucks, a book store, a convenience store, perfume store, clothing store, etc. If you've been in an airport you've seen these things. I said out loud, "it is a sad state of affairs when an airport has more amenities than the town you live in."

Some Canadian men were walking next to us, they laughed and said, "you must live in a small town."

Yup, to my surprise I reside in a small town. I'm reminded of that fact daily. Now I'm going to start sharing these experiences with you.

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