
Monday, April 21, 2008

Diversity Celebration

I may have a ridiculous travel schedule, but I've still found some time to volunteer. I've been trying to find ways to connect with the local university. Uncle John put us in contact with one of the managers in the university multicultural resource office. I volunteered Kenyon and I for the campus diversity celebration. I had no idea what I was getting us in to. I signed up to be a photographer - which was a great job, because I got to go from event to event as part of my responsibilities. They had a craft area where you could get your face painted or body art with henna. In the craft area they had costumes from around the world and kids could make masks or Chinese fans. There was a puppet show, dance and music performances of all sorts, dance lessons, and lectures. There was even an area to sample foods. It was a great way to spend an evening, and to be honest, I had no idea there was that much diversity in this little town. This was a great event for families. I fully intend to participate in this event again next year. What fun!

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