
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

You know you live in a small town when...

The process to dispute a traffic violation citation (ticket) involves a face-to-face sit down with the District Attorney (DA). They told me to go talk to the DA. I thought they were joking or that at most I would speak with a DA way would the actual DA have time to speak to me about a ticket. But...they had told me truth.

I guess I should find it comforting that the DA of our town isn't inundated with murder cases or other more pressing matters and has time to speak with citizens about speeding tickets. I've just never lived in such a place. I think I'm experiencing culture shock - big city to small town life transition shock.

In other news, one of my employees had two days off work this week to participate in a jury trial related to a sewage dispute.

Maybe I'll start a new blog series - You know you live in a small town when...

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