
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Christmas tree

Kenyon and I are surrounded by tree farms. They are all around the city we live in, there are signs on every highway, our rental house has at least three in any direction. Last week we visited one of these tree farms and picked out a Christmas tree. I had a lot of fun doing it, I'm not sure if Kenyon enjoyed it as much. We came straight home and decorated the tree while listening to Christmas carols on the radio. It was the start of some fun holiday traditions to come.

I decided it was necessary to make time to decorate for Christmas. Thanksgiving kind of snuck up on me. I woke up one day and everyone told me Thanksgiving was that week. What?! How did that happen? I hadn't even seen it coming. The benefit was, I didn't have time to feel bad about being away from family and friends instead I was just grateful to have time off work. We spent the holiday with some families from our church. Thank God for the hospitality of strangers! The Christmas tree is my reminder that the holiday is coming. Every day I see it and think...Christmas is coming, Christmas is coming. It's my favorite holiday so I'm glad it's on it's way. We will be here for Christmas and have no special plan, except to be together.

I hope you are having a Happy Holidays!

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