
Tuesday, January 02, 2007

One year anniversary

Can you believe I've had this blog for a year? I can't. Sometimes it still amazes me that anyone reads it, but I know some people do because they say things when I see them like, "I read on your blog..." or "why haven't you posted on your blog lately?" My blog has been a great way to let family and friends know about the major events of my life - the only bad part is, I don't get to hear all the stories from their lives. Maybe some will start their own blog this year?

New Year's has come and gone. It is unbelievable to me that it is January 2007! Where does the time go?! Kenyon and I celebrated the New Year at my traditional location - the home of my friends Priya and Magesh. This is a group of friends from all over the world - Malaysia, India, Lebanon and Egypt. In years past I was the token American. This year Kenyon was with me representing the USA. I can tell you that English was NOT the primary language spoken that evening. We had a lot of fun eating good food, celebrating with friends, and playing games. One game in particular was to write three new year's resolutions on a note card, names included. Then the resolutions were read aloud and we had to guess who wrote it. I've known this group of friends for years and we get together as a group two-three times per year. The game was hilarious and a great way to learn more about each other. The hosts of the annual New Years party are going to keep the written resolutions and we will review them at the next party. Uh-oh!

I generally don't make New Year's resolutions, rather I have a theme or motto for the year. Two years ago the motto was "make new memories" - that was the year following my divorce and the start of my new life as a single woman. I accomplished that goal through travel and valuable time with family and friends. Last year my motto was "live loud" - the intent was to pursue unrealized dreams and the purpose I feel God calling me to. I accomplished this by applying to and beginning a PhD program, purchasing a home (condo) of my own, and expanding my efforts in India. This year is dedicated to "creating a new normal" - essentially it is about contentment and joy. The kids in India have shown me what joy looks like - true joy is not based on circumstances or the wealth of our possessions, but rather it is something that spills over from the inside. I have experienced two years of radical change personally, socially and professionally. 2007 - the year of creating a new normal - is about establishing that joy in my life and finding contentment in my present circumstance.

Though I have a lot of fun things planned, this is not going to be a fun year. My finances and schedule are severely limited due to my return to school. I am ready to be done with school but still have four semesters and a dissertation remaining. The entire year will be spent in grueling study. (I'm sure you can sense the excitement.) In recent months I have seen good friends move away and still feel their absence daily. The India projects are working toward a future goal, laying ground work, with few pay-offs in the present. I tend to want instant results and push my way toward the finish line, this year is going to be focused on the journey. I need to focus on the present and learn what I need to at this point in the journey. I will get where I'm going...eventually. This may seem like a downer, but it is actually character building and a necessary step to fulfilling my long-term dreams and just so you don't think my year will be all work and no play I will list some of the planned events for 2007:

  • In January, I will travel with a team of thirteen to India. We will dedicate 22 water projects, play with kids at three orphanages and conduct a youth conference for approximately 1,ooo youth.
  • In April, I will present at my first conference on the topic of racial representation in nonprofit boards.
  • In May, my dad Bob and I will travel to China to visit my good friend Fiona. This will be a first visit to China for both of us. We plan to see the Great Wall, Tienanmen Square and the Terracotta warriors on this visit.
  • I am applying for a (very competitive) internship in Washington D.C. for the summer months. If accepted, I will live with my good friend Angela (who recently moved there) and her family for those months.
  • In August, I will marry Kenyon in an unforgettable India celebration. With at least one reception following in the USA.
  • I will go on a cruise at some point in the year with family to visit my brother and his wife who are currently dancing for Carnival Cruise Lines.

The year of "creating a new normal" - not a sexy motto, but a necessary next step in the journey. So, what is your new year's resolution?

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