
Sunday, December 17, 2006


As of Thursday, I finished my first semester of my PhD program. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! The moment I printed out my last final - a series of four essays - I did a little happy dance. What a relief to be done! I'm going to take the next two weeks off. I'll still be working my two part-time jobs, but I won't be studying, reading or writing. This coming Wednesday Kenyon and I get on a airplane to New Mexico for the Christmas holiday. When we come back, though I have school related work to do I am not going to do it. My mind needs a rest. I will, however, be working on stuff for India. A few short weeks and I will be on the other side of the world (again). I can hardly wait. The team going with me is as excited as I am. I will send email journals while I'm there, expect it. In case I don't see you - Merry Christmas!

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